Author: Laura Cyra

I can’t believe it my site is up and running, I’m still learning along the way but felt a challenge was in order!  Starting Sunday I challenge you to make these simple changes in your life each day and live in the moment and just see what happens! 1.  Get up 10 minutes early and do the quick 7 minute workout I talk about on the health page each morning! 2.  Start a journal – write in it at least once a day! 3.  Treat EVERYONE nicely, even those who are rude to you!  After all happiness is a state…

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In a world where most of us spend a lot of time looking at screens instead of truly interacting in meaningful fun ways, it is important to keep family time a priority. Studies have shown that the simple act of having nightly family dinners does wonders for the emotional, academic, and even physical development of the children in the home. Imagine how much more could be achieved with regular, fun activities that will also help you all bond and become even closer as a family! Below are a few family fun weekend activities to get you started.Family Fun Weekend ActivitiesBakingLet…

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While this post is one of my original ones from 2012 and the 1001 days are up I feel accomplished!!  It is amazing to look back and see all of the amazing memories I’ve made along the way.  While I never fully completed the list I still take this as a huge accomplishment. For my 101 things in 1001 days challenge I created these rules: 1.  Tasks must be specific, realistic, and challenging, and feel free to list more than 101 but the idea is to complete the tasks in 1001 days! 2.  Get rid of failure and not completing…

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