While this post is one of my original ones from 2012 and the 1001 days are up I feel accomplished!! It is amazing to look back and see all of the amazing memories I've made along the way. While I never fully completed the list I still take this as a huge accomplishment.
For my 101 things in 1001 days challenge I created these rules:
1. Tasks must be specific, realistic, and challenging, and feel free to list more than 101 but the idea is to complete the tasks in 1001 days!
2. Get rid of failure and not completing your New Year's resolutions or not checking anything off your bucket list by giving yourself a deadline and working towards achieving the tasks NOW!
3. Most importantly ~ You're only cheating yourself!
Some of the items are hopes and dreams and not actually measurable but I'm ok with that!
- No soft drinks for a month – March 2012
- Write a letter to myself to read when my 1001 day challenge is over – February 2012
- Create my new vision board – March 6, 2012 – more of a what I want to feel board!
- Learn a new word every day – Subscribed to twitter feed @thewordoftheday
- grow plants/herbs/garden from seed with Cheyenne – planted March 10, 2012
- write something new on my blog at least 2x a week – March 2012, my 1st month!!
- Don't bite my nails for a week – March 2012 and they're growing!!
- sky dive – April 2012 in Vegas!
- learn to meditate – Month of Meditation started March 20, 2012
- challenge myself daily! PUSH MY OWN LIMITS! – April 2012
- reduce my carbon footprint – Green Earth Recycling weekly pickup
- Go on a spontaneous vacation – April 2012! CMA in Las Vegas
- meet someone new and interesting – on my latest Vegas trip at the Pioneer Saloon!
- Complete my own 90-day challenge to a better me! – May 30, 2012
- weekly cleaning routine – week #9 and #10
- starting daily routines – weeks #9 and #10
- get kids on a set night routine – week #9 and #10
- start a getting ready for school routine – week #9 and #10
- read a new book – June 10, 2012 I finished The $100 Startup!
- Journal Daily – May 7, 2012 I wrote the post!
- learn a new skill – this whole website thing, and I'm learning every day!
- find extra time for me each week – I'm excited to say I find time each day even if it's 5 minutes!
- wake up 30 minutes early every morning for 3 weeks – June 2012
- read or watch something inspiring every morning – Thanks to Notes from the Universe and Danielle LaPorte!
- make a habit of reading labels before I purchase an item – I am super diligent about this now!
- picnic with the kids – summer of 2012!
- explore the world of couchsurfing.org – September 2012 had our first guest!
- Love myself for who I am and what I've become – see my 90-Day Challenge Compete Post!
- finish a scrapbook – August 2012 see our Paperbag Scrapbook!
- dance in the rain – if you follow me on Facebook you would of seen a status about the kids requesting to dance in the rain while we waited for Frank to get home!
- re-use or re-purpose something – an old makeup table
- attempt my own version of the 100 mile diet – Summer 2012
- Organize the garage so I can park my car in it! – September 2012
- write a family mission statement – October 2012 with Word Wall Art!
- Don't make any unnecessary purchases for a month – Aug to Sept 2012!! We were even under budget!
- make a family photo wall – Oct 2012 purchased a new photo printer so I can print my own photos!!
- Go to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Vegas- January 2013!! Masquerade Party at Paris
- workout everyday for 30 days – February 2013, now to add some healthy eating!!
- learn yoga – February 2013, my new LOVE!
- buy only the items on my grocery list – March 2013 for my Once A Month Cooking!!
- attend a live conference or seminar – January 2013
- digitize my cookbook – done! All my must haves are on my computer!
- make my bedroom into a retreat/oasis, yep removing the tv and having more adult items actually helps 🙂
- go on a romantic date, Vegas 2013 we did a comedy club and found some new hot spots!! Posts to come soon.
- camp with the kids, backyard campout the summer of 2013!
- Address and acknowledge the life lesson in an inconvenient time/moment, let's just say been there done that.
- Redefine “rich” – it isn't about the things it is about the fun!
- start a “rainy day” fund, one of the first things I did when we sold the business!
- write my own positive affirmations and live by them, done thanks to my life coach!!
- create an inspirational notebook, done! My journal from 2013 🙂
- Go skinny dipping, another one for the books! Ballfest 2013!!
- excel at what I love to do, for me once I attend LINK2013 I will have this accomplished! (Oct 2013)
- plan a family vacation ~ Moclips, WA March 2014
- Inspire others through sharing my journey – working on an ebook!!
- define and tone my body – a new 90-day journey to be complete by July 1st, 2014!!
- show/tell my husband how much I love and appreciate him regularly, working on it.
- let go of the things I can't change and concentrate on the things I can – focusing on a more positive attitude
- take a cooking class – Masterclass with Gordon Ramsay
- do a random act of kindness ~ anonymously – sponsoring a kid for back-to-school shopping
- Visit Alaska again
- Visit Madeleine in Denmark
- write a letter to my past and burn it
- speak Danish confidently to a child
- Get rid of or sell one thing a day for a month – minimalist challenge in February
- send out Christmas cards to family and friends – part of our homeschool unit
- concentrate on the good and positive
- start taking a new class or course – I am a certified life coach!!
- Swim with dolphins – Mexico trip
- Drive a car at top speed – Las Vegas racetrack
- perform a selfless act every week for a month
- send/receive a postcard via postcrossing.com
- Actually, go on the Anne Of Greene Gables trip I was planning with Cheryl
- work on my photography skills
- enter the world of bookcrossing.com and release 5 books I've been holding onto
- participate in a photo-a-day challenge for a month
- Take 5 action steps towards my goals daily for 30 days
- Host a seminar