I'm still here just a little missing in action lately but wanted to check in to see what everyone has been doing for their something new this week!
For me this past week has been a lot of working in the store which is a lot of fun, challenging, and tiring at times. I am thankful that I have the opportunity to work with new staff and train them so they know what I expect when I stop by. Frank and I have also been kidless so we can both work which has been really nicest times and the kids are loving staying with Grammy and Grampy! We have been able to come and spend time with them for a couple days and try something new!!
So for the something new…Frank and I hopped in the car with Cheyenne and headed on a 3 hoUr car ride to the Calgary Stampede for the day! It was so much fun we rode the c-train to the stampede grounds, seen some horses, went on a couple rides, played carnival games, saw the chuck wagon races from a private suite, watched Paul Brandt live, and drove home in the middle of the night. We arrived at the house around 3 am so we spent moats of yesterday being lazy and then went to bed early. Today?! Well I know it is going to bring a lot of fun!
I'd love to hear what you've just said YES to and have had a lot of fun doing!
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