The weekend has come and gone and we're all back to Monday and reality which is the perfect time for a motivation check in! If you haven't seen the last Task Thursday take a peek NOW!
If you're like me you sometimes need a constant reminder to stay on track and to get your butt up off the sofa. Don't get me wrong sometimes it would be easier to just do nothing, but where would that get us? Trying to avoid being a better person and wanting more for yourself is only giving into self-doubt. That is why it is so important to set goals and put them in a prominent place we SEE EVERY DAY! Now more than ever we need to have an accountability partner to keep us on track.
That's right – Get an ACCOUNTABILITY PARTNER to keep you on TRACK
As partners you can work together to get the extra push you need to keep moving forward while being totally honest and having someone to bounce around new ideas with. And if you're thinking this sounds time consuming, it really isn't you can check in over email and then follow up later in person or on the phone. At the beginning of the week you can share your 3 biggest tasks and what your action plan is and they're always there to bring you back to reality when you feel overwhelmed or celebrate with you! Don't forget to return the favour and keep them accountable too!
What are you doing to stay MOTIVATED?!
As always I would love to hear from you and am here to cheer you on!
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