You might be a recent graduate but have found yourself working in an industry that isn’t right for you, or perhaps you have a few years of professional experience under your belt, but you are stuck in a job you don’t enjoy. Earning a degree could change all of that. Going back to university might be the last thing on your agenda, but an additional degree could help broaden your horizons. Here is a short guide to how you can achieve a second degree and how it can advance your career.
Achieve a Second Degree
Earning a second degree doesn’t mean you need to go back to campus life. Some educational institutions offer high-quality degrees through an online program platform. Marian University is based in Wisconsin, but you can achieve a degree from home. Their efficient platform is ideal for working professionals who are looking to enhance their careers. At Marian University, you can earn a second bachelor’s degree or a master’s degree.
Benefits of Higher Education
An additional degree can help fast-track your career and get you one step closer to a promotion and a higher salary. It doesn’t matter what industry you are in, the world is ever-evolving, and all degrees become less relevant over time. Many people can learn on the job but enrolling in an official program will let your employer know for certain what you know and what skills you possess.
Build on Your Current Career
People who enjoy the field they are working in but have become bored of their current position can build on their careers by achieving a second degree. For instance, with a master’s in education, a teacher can apply for jobs in specialized areas, such as special education or ESL. Without further education, they may not even be considered for these roles. In addition, a registered nurse who wants to advance to management may find the move much easier with a master’s degree in nursing. Not to mention, some job roles, such as a nursing researcher, are nearly impossible without a master’s degree.
Do Something Completely New
If you find yourself in an unfulfilling job role and you can’t find a way out, then further education can help you branch out into a brand-new industry. In this case, a whole new degree in a different subject area could be the answer for you. Starting from the beginning may sound daunting, but the alternative is sticking with a job you find completely tedious. Dig deep, discover where you want to be, and figure out which degree can help you get there. A second degree is a great sign for your future employer. It shows them that you are proactive and willing to do what it takes to enhance your knowledge for a job in another field.