When we’re kids, our parents are in charge. When we become teenagers, teachers and school staff join in! But once we reach our adult years, you can take charge. This can mean more stress than before, but it can also be great. It means that you stop putting up with certain things. You can put your foot down and say no! Here are five things you must stop accepting as part of your life, and how to deal with them effectively.
Judgemental fellow parents
The pride that parents feel for their children can often translate into competitiveness. Avoid getting into this habit and cycle at all costs. It simply isn’t necessary, and it doesn’t help anybody. It might seem very important to them their daughter is currently tallest in the class, but it really won’t matter at all in 10 years time!
Equally, don’t give judgmental fellow parents in your life. It is not their place to tell you how they think your child is, or is not, developing. Every kid is different, and it’s so important to remember this. They will progress in their education at different rates. See realmomma.com/making-childs-education/ for more tips on helping them make the most of their education. If you can get away from the people, great. But if you have to see them by the school gate each day, just be civil and the move away from them. Same goes for judgemental friends. They are toxic, and you don’t need them in your life.
Bad skin
If bad skin haunted you through your teenage years, you will especially know just how traumatic it can be. It may have then followed you into your adult years too. If you haven’t already, it is absolutely time to stop putting up with it. New, effective treatments are being developed all the time. www.belcarahealth.com are just one company who can offer all sorts of different dermatology treatments.
A bullying boss
It is fine for your boss to challenge you, and to help you further your career. But you must put your foot down if they cross the line into bullying territory. There are things in place to protect your from this kind of behavior, like your HR department. Don’t be afraid to utilize them. Check out psychcentral.com/quizzes/workplace.htm to know the signs that your boss is bullying you.
Constant tiredness
You may feel like you’ve been tired for so long, you can’t remember what it’s like not to be! It doesn’t have to be this way. It is up to you to say no more- I’m not putting up with this anymore. There are loads of different ways you can feel less tired. Go to sleep one hour earlier each night. Use a sunlight on your desk for a few hours each morning. Add energy boosting vitamins and minerals, like those mentioned at vitamins.lovetoknow.com/What_Vitamin_Is_Good_for_Energy, into your diet. Exercise more often. If these things still don’t help, see a doctor. There could be an underlying health issue you need to address.