Camping is a great way to unwind from the stress of everyday life and enjoy yourself in the great outdoors. Of course, before you head out there are some steps you can take so your adventure is both fun and safe.
Know the Area
Spend some time researching the local camping area. Be aware of any potential landscape hazards, such as rough terrain, cliffs, flash floods, or waterfalls. Also, investigate the types of wildlife you can expect to encounter while camping. Be aware of local regulations and ordinances relating to any activities that are part of your itinerary. This is also a good time to check your RV or trailer has been licensed and insured.
Bring a First Aid Kit
Always have a well-stocked first aid kit with you when camping. Your kit should include basic medical supplies such as sunscreen, bandages, pain relievers, and antibiotic cream. Instant ice packs, tweezers, safety pins, and antiseptic wipes are also useful medical supplies. Of course, each camper should also bring any prescription medications with them.
Check the Weather
Before leaving for your trip, check the current weather forecast and make any necessary adjustments to your trip. A battery-operated radio is a great way to stay informed about changing weather conditions while out in the wild. Know where to go in case of severe weather and have a few backup plans in mind.
Keep Your Food Safe from Animals
Animals are great at finding a way into food containers. Bring a rope and learn how to hang your food supplies out of reach. Do not keep food in your tent. Keep your campsite clean of any food debris as well and always be aware of your surroundings when cooking and eating.
Have an Emergency Plan
Ask a friend or relative who is not going on the trip to be your emergency contact. This person should have a copy of your daily itinerary and the cell phone numbers of everyone in your group. Plan a time to check in with your contact daily. They can advise you of any severe weather or other issues that may affect your trip. They can also contact authorities in the event of an emergency. Just having someone know when to expect you back can be a huge help if anything goes wrong.
Practice Fire Safety
Learn how to construct a fire ring using rocks. Always have a full bucket of water near the fire and keep it contained within the fire ring. Never leave a fire unattended, even for a short while.
Follow these tips to have a fun and safe camping trip this summer.