According to the U.S. Bureau of Justice, more than two million homeowners experience a break-in each year. This translates into a home being burglarized every 13 seconds. If you want to keep your family from joining the ranks of these troubling statistics, here are just a few tips for better home security.
Lights are an easy way to discourage thieves, especially flood lights that are triggered by motion or vibration sensors. You'll catch them creeping around the property before they can actually break in, and once the spotlight exposes their position, they'll flee out of self-preservation. Just make sure you buy lights that are bright enough to be a deterrent. Weak, dim lights are more likely to amuse than scare.
It may sound strange, but a little lawn care can help you prevent a break-in. This is because thieves are naturally drawn to trees, shrubs and bushes that will provide cover for their illegal activities. If the shrubs don't exist or are carefully tended to grow low to the ground, they can't be used by opportunists. Start cultivating your garden with home security in mind. Cut down large bushes and get those dark, thick shrubs away from entry points like windows.
Security cameras can be used during the day. Infrared cameras can be used at night. Not only will the presence of someone watching them discourage thieves from coming on your property in the first place, but if your home is broken into despite all your safety measures, cameras can help you identify and locate the parties responsible. Professionals, like those at Infrared Cameras Inc., know that thieves can't deny their involvement when their faces have been caught on digital footage. Taking the time to properly secure your home is worth it.
Basic Safety Tips
Last but not least, a high-powered security system means nothing if you leave the front door unlocked. Basic theft prevention is just as important to home security as fancy gadgets and gizmos, so don't make the mistake of writing it off. Close your windows at night; bar and lock the patio doors; don't hide your spare keys in obvious places. Think like a criminal when employing safety measures. If I wanted to break into this house, how would I do it?
These are just a few tips for better home safety. It isn't always easy to remain vigilant, especially in an age where thieves are becoming just as smart and sophisticated as homeowners, but it's worthwhile. For the sake of your family, don't take chances with home security and theft prevention.