It's that time of year again! Students all around the world are either graduating or simply finishing up another school year out of the many more to come. You may have noticed that places have gradually started to open back up. For example, social distancing mandates have begun to lift and in-person schooling is becoming somewhat of a normality again. As a parent or guardian, you may be hesitant or perhaps opposed to sending your children back to school in the fall due to the current world climate as it is a cause for concern. Going forward, here are some things you should know!
Online Schooling: Pros VS Cons
Just like making any other decision, it is important to weigh out the potential benefits and repercussions of your options. So let's go over some!
- Safety Security: There is no doubt that have your child do online schooling is practically a surefire way to ensure a safe environment for your child during these hectic times
- All Hands On Deck: Because your child has at-home schooling, you're able to have a first-hand look into their academic lifestyle from work habits to deadlines.
- Lack of socialization: This may be the most notable con to online schooling as, unfortunately, Zoom and FaceTime calls can only go so far in terms of socialization. This may be difficult if you have youngsters as socialization is vital to the adolescent experience.
Tips For Keeping Your Child Focused During Online Schooling
At this point in your seemingly endless pondering of options, you may have finally settled on continuing online schooling for your children. Great! In making this decision, there are many things you may want to keep note of to help your child succeed in an alternative learning environment.
- Consider your child's age: The transition to online schooling, especially for your youngsters attending online elementary school, can be a difficult one that may take some adjustment.
- Stick to a schedule: Keeping consistency in your child’s at-home schooling is essential to their success. It can really help in terms of productivity to have designated times for activites. For example, you can plan times for wake-up and bedtimes, meals and snacks, and of course, online classes and schoolwork for your student.
- Check in: It is important to check in frequently to make sure that your child is attending online classes. It is also important to check in with teachers and mentors to make sure that your child has a thorough understanding of the curriculum.
All In All
Despite these crazy times, continuing your child's education is crucial. It can be a little less stressful when you are equipped with the tools you need to help your child succeed. In choosing online schooling, it is a great comfort to know that you have a supportive team of teachers and staff that want the best for your child as you do.