Whether you’re a working mom or a stay at home mom, it’s likely that you have very little free time on your hands. You probably start each day with a plan of what you will do, and how long it will take, but as soon as your toddler is awake, the dog food has been pulled out and is covering the floor, and the toilet has been turned into some kind of paper den, you’ll probably be wondering whether you’ll get anything you planned done at all. However, fear not. We’re going to provide you with a list of tips that will help you to feel a little bit less stressed on a daily basis.
1. Get Up Earlier
If you want to feel less stressed out in the mornings, one tip is to wake up earlier than you currently do, even if this means going to bed earlier the night before. Use this extra hour in the mornings to take care of yourself. Have a hot shower, relax, and prepare yourself for the day ahead. If you are currently being woken up by your little one every morning, you’re going to feel stressed. No-one likes being pulled out of bed to have to start on chores within minutes of opening their eyes. So take an extra hour for yourself in the morning and do something that you’ll enjoy (even if it’s just having a cup of tea in peace!).
2. Invest in a People Carrier
This might not be a big game changer if you only have one child, but if you have three or four, you likely know how much of a struggle it can be to transport each child to school, their after school activities, and even to grandma’s on the weekend. By investing in a people carrier, you will have plenty of room for all of your children to have their own space, preventing squabbling. And you can ferry all the children around at once, instead of having to return back to base if you need to make multiple journeys. On top of this, a people carrier can be kitted out with plenty of accessories to keep you and the children happy. Consider purchasing a portable DVD player for your kids and window coverings to keep them shaded in the middle of the day.
3. Ask for Help
Being a mom is a full-time job and sometimes it can get a bit overwhelming. You have to get up, make breakfast, do the laundry, wash the dishes, take the kids to the playground, make their dinner, help older children with their homework, clean the house, break up squabbles, and that’s all before 5pm – every single day. If you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed, don’t be afraid to ask for help. If you can afford to, it can be a good idea to consider hiring either a nanny or a housekeeper. Alternatively, considering asking a family member if they could look after your children for a day so that you can get back on top of your chores and take a much-needed break.
4. Shop in the Evening
There is nothing worse than heading to the supermarket with an irritable, tired toddler in tow. Instead of even attempting to shop amid meltdowns, opt to shop in the evenings instead. Leave your little one at home with dad, hop in the car, and head out for an hour of peace. Not only will you feel less stressed shopping in the evenings, but this is also when supermarkets tend to reduce their short-dated items – so you may even find a bargain as well! Supermarkets are quieter during the evenings too, so you’ll be free to browse the aisles at your leisure instead of rushing around like a headless chicken hoping that you remembered to pick up some bread.
5. Start Batch Cooking
Lots of moms have good intentions when it comes to giving their children healthy, wholesome meals. But when you have a lot to get done every day, it’s unlikely that you want to spend an hour (or more!) slaving over a hot stove. Instead, designate one day a week to cooking, and cook up as many homemade meals as you can. Split each meal into portions and freeze it. Then, during the week, you’ll simply need to defrost a meal and heat it up – something which takes very little time and effort at all. Your children, your waistline, and your wallet will thank you.
Can you think of any other hacks for moms? Let us know in the comments.