As roofs become older they start getting less reliable and you don't want to take the chance during extreme weather conditions that it won't hold up. The roof is literally the most important part of your home, aside from the foundation of course, and ensuring that it is well maintained and can protect you and your family from the elements is important.
We're going to take a look at the signs that mean you need a roof repair or replacement. You'll notice that most of these signs are general damage where you might know the extent of the actual damage. It is important to consult a professional roofer if you have any concerns, they're qualified and ready to help.
1 – Damp Ceilings and Walls
if you notice damp ceilings and walls on the inside of your home this one is a significant indicator that you have a leaky roof. A roof leak will slowly add moisture to the attic, that moisture finds its way through the attic and to the interior walls. When you are visibly seeing evidence inside the home the problem has been going on for a while.
2 – Roofing Surface Bending, Cracking or Exposed
Once you climb on your roof itself, you may be able to spot a few issues. The most obvious is shingles no longer laying flat on the surface, they appear to be bent and uneven. You may also spot exposed roofing nails, leading you to wonder if the shingles are installed properly or just aging. Another issue to keep an eye out for while on the roof is “bald” shingles that are missing the granules that help protect and seal the shingles to the roof.
If you notice any of these signs while assessing the appearance of the roof it is an indicator that the roof is nearing the end of their effectiveness and are starting to let moisture through. Keeping them on the roof will invite serious problems, and only replacement will prevent those problems.
3 – The Age of Your Roof
In Canton, MI the average roof lasts 25 years. Some of the above problems, like granules that are washing off, are impossible to avoid. Shingles disintegrate in harsh Michigan weather over time, but there will come a point of no return. Being aware of the age of your roof and the expectancy is a great way to evaluate the effectiveness of your roof year after year.
4 – Higher Energy Bills
It is hard to believe but some of your roofing issues might not be related to moisture at all. The insulation, which adds an extra barrier to extreme weather conditions, could be breaking down. A great way to monitor this is your heating bill, checking the year-over-year comparison over the course of several months gives you a good idea on whether your bills are increasing.
5 – Ice Dams During Cold Months
A lot of snow on your roof when there’s snow on the ground is actually a good sign; it shows that your insulation is working and heat is not escaping. The appearance of ice dams are not a good sign. Ice dams are ridges of ice and icicles forming on the edge of your roof and typically point to problems with ventilation. Snow melts on the roof, flows into the gutters, and freezes this effect creates a sort of damn and those beautiful icicles you often see.
If you notice any of these signs it is a good idea to contact a qualified and credible roofing company to evaluate your roof and make a recommendation. It is important to keep you, your family and your home safe so ask questions and get informed.
For more signs are to schedule a consultation contact All Point Construction.