Your immune system is what helps you to fight off infections of many kinds, including colds and viruses. While you may not realize it, your body is at war with bacteria, viruses, and toxins every second of the day. If your immune system is not up to par, your body will suffer the consequences. Thankfully, there are several things you can do to give your immune system a boost.
Reduce the Toxins
While there are many toxins you cannot eliminate, such as fumes from vehicles and smog, you can eliminate others, such as smoking cigarettes and excessive alcohol intake. Any toxin in your body can lead to a breakdown in your system. Therefore, it is critical that you do what you can to eliminate them. You also need to consider what cleaning products you are using, as many emit harmful pollutants into the air. Breathing them in can lead to an overload in your system. Be aware of your environment and be sure to choose healthy options for you and your family.
Change Your Diet
There are many foods that will help you to reduce the amount of toxins in your body and boost your immunity. Citrus fruits are usually the first thing people turn to when fighting off a cold, and with good reason. The vitamins in citrus are believed to increase the white blood cell count. However, there are many others that will help your immune system, such as garlic, broccoli, spinach, and ginger.
Vitamins and Supplements
If you find that you are not eating right, it may be time to consider adding supplements to your diet. Vitamins and minerals play an important part of your diet and, if you are not getting enough, your immune system will suffer. You will also find that additives like ASEA advancing life supplements can assist you in boosting your immunity and will help reduce the effects of damage from a buildup of toxins. These kinds of products are carefully formulated to replenish the same molecules that your body already produces and is a safe way to give your body the boost it needs.
Water Intake
Another quick way of boosting your immunity is to increase your water intake. The majority of us do not drink enough water and, as the body is mostly made up of water, it is important to replenish its supply. Drinking eight glasses of water a day is recommended. However, be sure to build up to this amount slowly as a major sudden increase all at once can be upsetting to the sodium levels in your body. Start slowly by increasing your water intake and it will flush the toxins from your body and boost your immune system. Make sure that your house provides a safe and clean drinking water. You can use an under-sink filter to avoid any water contamination at home.
Increase Activity
The word exercise often puts people off, but all it takes to boost your immune system is increasing your activity level slowly and steadily. It is believed that if you are active regularly, your lungs will get flushed out from breathing heavier. Along with this, if your activity level is high enough to get your sweat glands producing, you will be flushing more toxins out of your body. Even if you can only do a high level of activity once a week, you will find the results are enough to give your body the boost it needs.
Your immune system is fighting a battle every day against harmful toxins and contaminants, bacteria, and viruses. It is possible to change the outcome and give your immunity a boost by eating the right foods, taking supplements, and increasing your intake of water. Increasing your activity level and reducing the amount of toxins you take in will also help your level of immunity. All of these things combined will turn the tables and you may just win the war against all of the harmful toxins, bacteria, and viruses that are out to get you.
Brooke Chaplan is a freelance writer and blogger. She lives and works out of her home in Los Lunas, New Mexico. She loves the outdoors and spends most her time hiking, biking and gardening. For more information on ASEA advancing life supplements, contact Brooke via Twitter @BrookeChaplan.
1 Comment
Appreciating the time and effort you put into your website and in depth information you offer. Very clear explanation. You’ve really covered up almost all the possible info that every health-conscious person should follow to boost their immune system. Worth sharing! Please continue sharing your updates! Thanks a lot!