You appreciate the trees that enclose your abode, but at the same time, you wish you could have an unobstructed view of the mountains in the distance. However, you might think that removing the trees is the only solution to get the desired view. Although this is one option, there are other alternatives you can consider to enjoy a clear view of the mountains without getting rid of the trees. To solve your problem, you can try these possible solutions.

Don't Rely on Topping
When a tree is blocking your view, you may think topping it will be the answer to your problem. However, you'll just be creating new problems for yourself later on. While the immediate result will be a clear view, that won't last long. When trees are topped, they often have rapid regrowth to replace what they lost. Ultimately, the tree can grow back denser and taller than before, bringing you back to square one.
Remove the Trees
Remove older dead trees located close to your home to ensure safety. It's best to let professionals handle tree removal, considering the size of the tree, its condition, and the danger of operating a chainsaw while climbing a tree.
If your older trees are still healthy and you just want to do enough to get an unobstructed view of the mountains, a pruning technique known as “thinning” may do the trick. When used, the tree's natural form is retained, since foliage is removed evenly throughout its canopy. If you choose to try this on your own, never remove more than 25% of the tree's total foliage. Otherwise, you'll risk harming the tree and opening it up to various diseases.
If when looking at a tree you know that it is the lower branches that are obstructing your view, you can do what is known as skirting. With this pruning method, the tree's lower branches are removed, letting you look under the foliage. A relatively easy pruning technique, it can also retain the tree's natural shape. Should you opt for this, don't remove more than one-third of the tree's total height, or it may die.
Whether you want to remove a tree or trim its branches, you'll soon have an unobstructed view of the beautiful distant mountains.