Divorce in the 21st century is complex. Second marriages are common, and children may fear losing a stepparent, stepsiblings, or half-siblings. Many adults are all too quick to make their private lives public on social media. Children are easily exposed to thoughtless, angry, or inappropriate posts regarding divorce. Keep these tips on lessening your child’s stress during the divorce process in mind to avoid problems that can trouble your child into adulthood.
Maintaining the Step-family Connection
When ending a second marriage, it’s critical not to allow the divorce to destroy your child's healthy step-family relationships. Children may be very attached to stepparents. Siblings shouldn’t lose contact. Cutting ties may cause your child to experience anger, depression, and behavioral problems that last for years. You should be aware that stepparents have visitation rights in some states and circumstances. Unless otherwise advised by your attorney, your child should continue their relationships with stepparents and all siblings.
Keep Your Divorce Offline
Law firms have seen the effects of social media on divorce and custody cases. Don’t use social media to vent about your spouse. Your child will almost certainly see this and lose respect for you. Their friends will also see it. If you have to communicate with your spouse online during and after the divorce, do so privately. Sign out of your email account before you walk away from the computer, and don’t leave your phone where your child can access it. Ask an adult family member or friend to let you know if your spouse is posting inappropriate things that your child might see. Asking someone else to keep you informed is better for your emotional well-being than you watching your spouse’s online activity.
Reduce Your Stress to Help Your Child
You can't eliminate the tension caused by the divorce, but you can practice healthy lifestyle habits so that your stress doesn't affect your child. Spend time with your child, but don't smother him or her. Your ability to afford excellent representation doesn't have to be a stressor. You can set up a payment plan and ensure that you receive the highest quality legal counsel.
Divorce is a stressful life event for everyone involved. It's important to be aware of issues that specifically affect your child's mental health. Looking at the situation from your child's point of view can help you reduce his or her stress during and after the divorce.
1 Comment
It is best to keep your kids best interests at heart. Don’t talk about the other parent in a negative way, don’t ask your child for information about the other parent, etc. Divorce can be very hard on children. Thanks for sharing these tips.