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Fall Family Photoshoot: What’s the Trick to Perfect Shots?

So, you're planning that perfect fall family photo shoot, huh? You’ve got the pumpkin patches and fall leaves as your…

Baby Photography Ideas: Simple Tricks to Capture Perfect Pictures

Babies don’t like to be still. This is why many professional photographers will stick to close-up shots with lots of detail.…

The Kid-Friendly Polaroid Snap Touch

This post contains affiliate links, thank you for your continued support. We love new tech gadgets and photography in our…

Cameras Perfect for Summer Adventures

This post contains affiliate links, thank you for your continued support. Summer is here and that means lots of new…

The Polaroid Snap Touch

I remember my Grandparents having a Polaroid camera and how neat we thought it was to watch the photo develop…

Tips On How To Achieve The Best Vacation Photos When Visiting Taipei

Taipei is located in northern Taiwan between the Central Mountains and Yangming Mountains. As the national capital of Taiwan, Taipei’s…

The Family Friendly Olympus TG-4 Camera Review

This post is part of my Ritz Camera Ambassadorship and contains affiliate links.  Images are unedited for the purpose of the…

Capturing Our Family Memories with Fuji

This year we made a promise as a family to spend more time together making memories.  Since Frank is a…

5 Tips to Get Spontaneous with Your Photos

I believe the best way to fall in love with photography and your camera is to get out there and…

5 Tips to Take Great Photos on Your Next Trip

There is nothing better than loading the family in the car and heading out on an adventure!  It doesn’t matter…

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