All I can say is be ready to have your faith in humanity and the power of love renewed. A United Kingdom, which is based on a true story of a love that shook an Empire is truly magical.
Starring David Oyelowo and Rosamund Pike this true story will leave you breathless. The movie is all about the forbidden love between the king of Botswana and a white English woman in the 1940s. Their marriage caused an international uproar, as they were married just as apartheid was being introduced into South Africa.

Pictured above are Rosamund Pike and David Oyelowo as the characters of Ruth Williams and Seretse Khama. It is hard to believe that this system of institutionalized racial segregation and discrimination happened in South Africa between 1948 and 1991. This movie shows you how love wins and renews your faith in humanity!
A United Kingdom Movie Review
This movie was truly inspiring and made me cry because of how much they believed in their love and their right to be together but very few were willing to stand behind them. Moreover, we should never have to prove our devotion and be questioned about who we fall in love with. You'll be moved by this touching story and the impact these two made on the world.
June 6th you can purchase the movie on Blu-Ray and DVD with bonus features including:
- Making of
- Filming in Botswana
- The Legacy of Seretse and Ruth
- London Film Festival Opening Night Gala Premiere
Enjoy it in your home today on Digital HD from Amazon or iTunes. As a result of watching A United Kingdom I wondered why I had never heard of this story before. Their love truly shook an Empire and they contrarily showed many that the color of your skin doesn't matter. As a result, the heart wants what the heart wants.