Does your kid need to de-stress? ‘What a silly question’, you’re probably thinking. For some reason, many adults and parents are oblivious to the fact that their kids get stressed. You might not realize your child is stressed at all, but there are signs. If there are changes in their behavior, they seem to be worrying more than usual, perhaps even showing aggression towards you, then there’s every chance your child should de-stress. The below tips can also give you some preventative measures to help your child before they even get stressed.
De-stress Yourself
Did you know that if you’re stressed, the chances of your child being stressed are much higher? In studies, many children who were asked what they would like to change about their life simply said they wanted their parents to be happier. Your kids know more than you think they do, and if you’re feeling particularly anxious about something it can rub off on them. You can’t pour from an empty cup, so make sure you de-stress yourself. Take care of your health. Eat right, and exercise. Get some fresh air and enjoy some ‘you time’. It’ll make all the difference. Deep breathing on the spot can even eliminate stress before you feel it.
Hobbies For Growth And Distractions
Encouraging your kids to take up a hobby not only gives them an opportunity to grow and learn as little people, it helps to distract them from things that could be stressing them out – like a test at school or a fallout with a friend. All kids should have a hobby. You can even help your kid to pick one up on a shoestring budget by finding helpful resources online, many resources are even free to start with.
Getting Into A Regular Sleep Schedule
A regular sleep schedule is crucial for kids. Make sure they’re going to bed at the same time each night, and waking up at the same time each morning. They shouldn’t have TVs or mobile phones in their rooms either, as they can be huge distractions even if they are not using them. The light from them can make it tough to get into deep sleep!
Easing Their Worries
Make sure your kids know that they can talk to you about anything. You need to show this with the way you act and not just the things you say. If you erupt like a volcano whenever they tell you anything remotely worrying, they’re not going to tell you anything in the future. Make sure you stay relaxed, and answer them honestly in a suitable way for their age group. You shouldn’t appear to judge them or invalidate the way they are feeling about something.
Does your child need to de-stress? Use the pointers about and you should both begin to feel much better!
1 Comment
Firstly, that kid is so cute.
This article is so apt. Most times we don’t know how much we rub off on our kids from our stressed situation and the poor kids always notice, no matter how much we try to hide them.
I hope lot of people read this and amend some of their attitude for the benefit of their kids.