October thirty-first is a day and night for dressing in costumes, parading for candy, and masquerading as something other than yourself. But for babies who cannot walk or understand much of what’s going on, it’s more like any other day with a cute costume thrown in.
However, moms and dads can make Halloween fun for babies too. Consider engaging in one or more of the following seven activities.
Baby Monster Mash
Chances are other moms and dads with little ones are looking for some way to take part in the fun. Invite parents to your house for a baby monster party. Of course, request guests come dressed in costume and announce a prize for having the best one for added inspiration. Select appropriate decor, music, and Halloween treats.
Local Listings
Check your local listings for events held for the little ones. Chances are a library, YMCA, or local school will host something for those with babies. Often, public places will hold a Halloween parade so proud parents can feature their well-dressed ghouls for all to admire. If nothing is happening on your side of town, check listings in your nearest large city or consider taking a trip to your distant friend’s or family’s locale.
They get older by the minute, so you’ll want to capture your son or daughter in the moment. Set up a photoshoot replete with Halloween decorations, pumpkins, and adults appropriately dressed. Tell others in your neighborhood that you’re hosting a baby ghoul photoshoot.
Arts and Crafts
Other than a photoshoot, opt for another medium to solidify the memory of the celebrated night. Get baby-safe paint and have your baby and those of others make a foot collage. Preserve the piece of art for next year so you can track your baby as they age through the years. Alternatively, use the collage as a Halloween decoration in coming years.
Contact other moms and dads and head to a local restaurant to celebrate Halloween night. Chances are select restaurants will have something special in store regarding Halloween desserts and libations for those old enough to drink them. Rather than play host, take a load off and let others serve you on this October night.
You and baby can be do-gooders on this autumn day. See if local stores or schools need help decorating or doling out candy to young ones. Doing something for others feels good and will make you and baby popular citizens around town.
Social Media
What mom or dad does not want to feature the little one’s costume in a social media montage? Whether you subscribe to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or all of them, consider dressing your baby in several unique costumes and post the pictures online for distant friends and family members to see.
Halloween has something special in store for those of all ages. Baby may not remember the night, or be as excited about getting dressed, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have fun for them by taking part in the above activities!
Bonnie K. Rosario is a mother of two. She loves sharing her insights on raising healthy, happy kids online. Her posts can be found on lifestyle, family and parenting blog sites.