I wish I had a picture that I could actually share, but I don't. Originally I drove an Astro minivan – my parents but I insured it so could do what I wanted! Not sure if that is something to be excited about but I was in grade 11 give me a break. After that my first car was an Eagle Talon – white, sleek and in mint condition!
Easy! Grade 4 – Mr.McCann!
If only there were pictures of my nerdy days ;). I played basketball up to he ninth grade but nothing major to report I was just the team troublemaker/shit talker. Other than that volleyball until. 11th grade, I had no interest in playing competitive in my new school 11th grade so I quit and played for fun even though they were actively recruiting because of my side arm serve! I've always played softball since I can remember and am into contact sports and am up for a game when the opportunity arrives.
Oooh toughy. I would have to say my 19th, I spent it with my two best friends – Frank and Jenna – easy, calm, and fun and knew it would be a forever type of thing!
As I've mentioned before Ryan Philippe in Cruel Intentions hands down!
Simpsons and I still don't like it to this day.
Hope you enjoyed this week! Let me know if you linked up too!