Ok I have an amazing product to share with you this week on my Gotta Have It list! Its a book, well more like a real life story and easy manual called 1 Weight Loss Plan, 2 Friends, 3 Weeks: Using the Buddy System to Fight Fat!
Stacey Wein & April Paine, have co-written a funny guide based on two friends' battle of the bulge. 1 Weight Loss Plan, 2 Friends, 3 Weeks: Using the Buddy System to Fight Fat will keep you chuckling and nodding your head as you read page after page of “been there” moments. Bonus: the plan really works, so grab a friend!
I seriously love this book and think it’s a great idea for any girlfriends who want to tackle the whole healthy lifestyle thing!!
Already caught in the endless cycle of yo-yo dieting, the authors had employed every weight loss tactic on the market: detoxifying cleanses, workout crazes, appetite suppressants, hypnosis and more. Nothing provided them with long-term results. If they didn’t break the cycle, they were destined for obesity, additional health issues and deep DEEP depression. In one last effort, these moms took the tip they had read in countless magazines and books, “work out with a friend”, and turned it into the starting point of a new plan. A plan that began with one simple tool: friendship.
The writers have been best friends since bonding over take-out pizza in college. They believe that every woman deserves to feel good about herself and though this may sometimes seem like an uphill battle, healthy living is always more fun with a friend.
I give this a 5/5 because you're going to want to buy one for you AND a friend!!
Seriously it is that good once you pick it up and start reading it you are going to want to call your best friend, sister, Mom, Aunt you name it anyone who has EVER wanted to lose weight and needs just a little help this book is for them! The plan is simple and easy to follow, it does take a little extra work but is WORTH the results you'll get. Trust me I know. You won't be disappointed it will be the best $10 you have EVER spent on yourself!!