Thanks for joining me again for this Sunday Social!
This week they asked the question
Tell us what you are most Thankful For this year, it can be one thing or 25 things. Include pictures, reasons, whatever you want. Lets kick off Thanksgiving week by being Thankful on Sunday!
Sure I have a lot to be thankful for but sometimes it is hard to put it in words so I thought I'd just make a random list of all the things in my life recently I'm thankful for and see where it takes me. Please bare with me I might ramble a bit but I guarantee I'll get to the end eventually…
- My health, this year I have been really good about exercise, eating healthy, and just being healthy!
- My kids – they are growing up so fast and I am proud of them every day and they're always surprising me
- My husband – really there isn't much not to be thankful for about him, he is the BEST husband ever
- My friends – the select few that I choose to have in my life!
- The visits I've had this year with my Poppa, truly priceless
- My family – each and every one of them!
- A warm home to come to every day, lots of food in the fridge, and many more things then I really need
- Family Adventures this year
- My blog! Yes, it is one of the things I'm MOST thankful for!!
- Life, really it is a gift and when we can just live in the moment and enjoy it we are truly happy
I'm sure I can go on and on but really the kids are growing up so fast and amazing me every day with their maturity and independence that I am proud of them each and every day. The love I have from family and friends, and a husband to come home to every day who wouldn't be thankful, happy, and just LOVING life!
Cheers friends!
What a lovely post! Love giving thanks.
so sweet, thanks for sharing!
Helene in Between