This post was brought to you by the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers via sheblogs. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of CAPP.
Living in the East Kootenay region of British Columbia the oil sands industry is a huge part of the community for many reasons including jobs, petroleum products and a sustainable economy. Since the cost of living in our area is so high and there isn’t an abundance of jobs many families have one parent who works out of town in the Oil Sands. Without this option for employment little towns like mine wouldn’t be sustainable. For that reason I wanted to educate you all on a little about the oil sands industry because it is a well known fact not many people know or care much about it.
Thankful for the Oil Sands
Did you know Canada is the 6th largest producer of crude oil in the world and contains the 3rd largest oil reserves with 97% in the oil sands?
Crazy, right? I didn’t know that statistic myself but I did know that the oil sands reserve includes 168 billion barrels with the potential of over 100 years of production. In the next 25 years the Oils Sands industry has the potential to create over 800,000 jobs. Now if that isn’t an economy boost I don’t know what is.
The fact is all Canadians rely on petroleum to make gasoline for cars, trucks, buses, trains, boats and planes.
If you take a minute to stop and think like I did this morning and ask yourself:
If crude oil was no longer available how would my life be different?
Thankful for the Oil Sands – Girls Road Trips
I can personally tell you that without crude oil my life would be very simple and not have a lot of frills because I wouldn’t have a lot of things like:
- Tires or gasoline for my car – no more road trips
- Essentials like food, shelter, and clothing
- No more makeup
- Plastics would be non-existent
- Office essentials including the computer I’m using to write this post
- Sports, Hobbies and Games would be changed forever with no balls, bullets, cameras and the list goes on
Thankful for the Oil Sands – Sports and Hobbies
Next time you have to drive the kids to school because they’re running late, you use your camera to preserve a memory or put on a sweater on to keep warm thank the oil sands industry. I know for my family we’re thankful for that and a lot more because of the sustainability the industry brings to our community.
For more information about the Oil Sands industry visit
This post was brought to you by the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers via sheblogs. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of CAPP.