Having an ‘emergency kit’ on a moving day is crucial. When your whole life is packed up in boxes, the last thing you need after an exhausting day is to be digging through everything trying to find what you need. An emergency kit allows you to comfortably settle in on the first day and on the first night before you’ve had a chance to start unpacking. A small suitcase is about the right size for what you’ll need, and you’re best preparing this before packing anything else. That way, nothing that you’re going to need will already be boxed up. Here’s what to put in your emergency moving house kit.
What To Pack In Your ‘Emergency Kit' on Moving Day
This could be anything from personal ID needed to sign a tenancy agreement or contract. To details of your bills and meter readings, which are essential if you need to make any phone calls to your utility companies. Organize everything ahead of time, and put it into a file to keep it safe. That way if you need to grab anything, it’s not lost under a mound of other paperwork in a box that could be anywhere.
Snacks and Drinks
Tea, coffee, and biscuits are essential for catching a couple of minutes break from moving boxes. If you have friends and family helping you too, it’s useful for giving them a bit of a pick me up too! If you don’t have enough help on hand, looking into moving companies could be a good way to go. Either way, you’ll need something to drink and snack on while you get everything sorted.
Enough Cutlery and Crockery For One Meal
You probably won't be able to cook much on the first day or two until the kitchen is unpacked. But even if you order a takeaway, you’ll need something to eat from! A plate or bowl, a cup or glass, and cutlery to eat from for each person is essential.
Tea Towels and Basic Cleaning Supplies
Hopefully, the property will have been thoroughly cleaned before you move in. Better still if you’ve had a chance to go in yourself and clean over everything before your stuff gets brought in. But you’ll still need some basic cleaning supplies to get you through until you can properly unpack. If there are any messes or spills they can be cleaned right up. So things like disinfectant spray, tea towels, bin bags, kitchen rolls, and washing-up liquid will all come in useful.
Bath Towels and Toiletries
After a long day, you’ll be desperate for a shower or a relaxing bath. So keep some items on hand to be able to do so. A bath towel and a couple of basic toiletries. Don’t forget toilet paper and your toothbrushes too! Another important thing to remember is any medication or personal items that you need to get through until everything is unpacked.
Phone Charger
Until you have your internet connected at the new property, you’ll probably be using your phone a lot. So making sure you have the charger somewhere easy to find is crucial. You might also want to buy an additional data bolt-on for it too, that way you can use the internet when needed and could even tether it to your computer or laptop so you can use them.