Planning a beach or outdoor wedding isn't always seamless. But you can make your day magical even if Mother Nature decides to bring rain your way. Of course, it’s not what you want on your wedding day, but the more prepared you are, just in case, the happier you will be if it does happen.

Creative Ways to Stay Dry
Matching colorful umbrellas and floral-patterned rubber boots can add a touch of lighthearted fun to a rainy wedding. Avoid white umbrellas as they tend to merge with the overcast sky. Rain boots will make it easier for you to step through wet grass or sand for your photographs. You can ensure everyone is dry by setting up a marquis for the wedding ceremony. You can always pop outside for pictures between showers.
If you are expecting rain, it’s probably a good idea to choose a wedding dress without a train, so it won’t get wet and bedraggled on the wet ground. A pre-owned wedding dress will save you money for your beach wedding. These dresses are in excellent condition, have only been worn once and many have designer labels. They are very affordable and are often offered at 60 percent less than brand-new designs.
Take Towels with You
If it’s raining, it’s always a good idea to bring along a few towels. That way, when it’s time to take pictures you can dry off benches, fences, and handrails so your clothes won’t get wet and dirty.
Keep a Grip on Your Hair
Use humidity-resistant products on your hair and a moisture-resistant hair spray. These will help prevent your hair from becoming frizzy or falling flat if it gets wet. You can also rely on dry shampoo to give your hair extra body that will last through the whole ceremony.

Hire a Photographer you Can Trust
A professional photographer will know just how to handle the rain. He or she should have some creative ideas for pictures, even if it’s raining cats and dogs outside. Discuss your plans for photographs ahead of time and talk about what will happen if it rains. A good photographer can use raindrops to enhance the background of your wedding pictures. If you have them taken in artistic settings with creative angles, you’ll have great images whatever the weather.
Consider Wedding Insurance
Although you won’t need insurance if it rains on your big day, if there is a tropical storm or hurricane and your wedding is canceled, you will certainly need it. Hurricanes have canceled numerous weddings over the past few years and it is heartbreaking when you have put so much time and effort into the planning.
While a rainy wedding day is not ideal, it’s your special day, so don’t let a cloudy sky spoil it for you. Relax, smile, and enjoy celebrating your special union with your friends and family and of course, the love of your life.