Another week has come and gone which means it is time for Sunday Social!! Grab a cup of coffee and let's take a look at the questions for the week that focus on My Weaknesses – Sunday Social. These questions might be the hardest to answer so let's get started.

If you're just joining in you might not know what it's all about. It is simple really, a bunch of bloggers have come together to answer questions weekly to get to know each other better. I've been participating for a while now and you can take a peek at some of the other topics I've answered 👉 Sunday Social.
My Weaknesses – Sunday Social
What is your shopping weakness?
I would have to say a good sale, I'm a sucker for a bargain.
What is your food weakness?
Bread, cheese, and chocolate.
What is your go-to movie to watch when nothing is on?
This is a tough one. Pre-streaming I'd have to say The Punisher or Happy Gilmore but now with all the streaming services available it's hard to pick but maybe Just Friends because who doesn't love Ryan Reynolds?!
What is your go-to breakfast food?
I'm not a huge breakfast fan so I usually just have a shake but if I had to choose a breakfast food it would be Eggs Benedict!
Do you drink coffee? If so how do you take it?
Of course, I drink coffee! Coffee truly is a staple in my life! Depending on where I am I take it black, espresso, or my true weakness is a vanilla latte.
I love participating in these simple weekly socials! The questions are always super simple and make you think. I hope you come back next week for another addition.
That should wrap up this week, thanks for joining in on My Weaknesses – Sunday Social.
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1 Comment
Love your favorite place to shop — I usually swing by the clearance section to browse if I’m not shopping with kids in tow!!! Stopping by from the Sunday Social! 🙂