A picture is worth a thousand words! Β My favorite time of the day and you can see why. Β Join me for this week's Wordless Wednesday and link up.
A picture is worth a thousand words! Β My favorite time of the day and you can see why. Β Join me for this week's Wordless Wednesday and link up.
Aww! I can’t wait for Keira to be old enough to do that at times!
Elizabeth L recently posted…Wordless Wednesday with Linky – First Meal
awww. love to catch them when they’re sleeping!
orangeheromama recently posted…Wordless Wednesday – Overcast Beach w Linky
Yay! I like bedtime too, but partly because I get all that good cuddle and chat time with my boys. It’s just an all-around great time of day! π
Kathryn recently posted…Wordless Wednesday with Linky-Iced Tea and Dog Bones
So sweet – naptime is a gooood time π
Julia recently posted…Wordless Wednesday – Life With Boys
Yep naptime is always a good time!
Mommy outside recently posted…Play Dough – Wordless Wednesday w/linky
They’re so peaceful when they’re sleeping!
Brandi recently posted…Wordless Wednesday w/LINKY – Bologne Face
Twitter: OlderMommyStill
Awhhh…bedtime!! It’s been a while, but I still remember that great feeling π
Monica recently posted…How to reduce your risk of mosquito & tick bites {HEALTHY LIVING}
Twitter: bewitchinkitch
What a doll.
I love it when they’re sleeping.
Randa recently posted…Fabulous Freezer Meals
yup he sleeps like a man alright
Jennifer recently posted…Back to School Giveaways with Rubbermaid and Master Lock!
Aww π
He looks comfortable
Krystal recently posted…Wordless Wednesday Pancakes!
Twitter: msinfoblog
So sweet thanks for the link up, Matthew sleeps like this but sometimes I actually find him doing the Al Bundy in his sleep
kelley recently posted…Being a Blog Angel
Oh I always feel a slight bit guilty about loving it when they all go to bed… but a glass of wine helps! hehe
nancy-of the crazy 9
Twitter: lcyra
I hear ya but it is the only time I can actually think, lol! And wine is always good π
Gotta love pictures of kids sleeping. Love it.
Thanks for the linky!
Jody recently posted…The Odd Life of Timothy Green ~ A Disney Movie
LOVE IT! Nap time is the best! LOL! Sadly, mine dropped her naps a few months ago.
Christine ( recently posted…Win your Dream ‘Waste-Free’ Lunch Kit from Lavish & Lime!
Love it when they sleep like that.
Julia Gabriel recently posted…My First BlogHer Party β #ChevroletOCP
Twitter: lcyra
He picked it out himself, Mater, his favorite from Cars! Cheyenne got one so he had to as well!