What a lot of people don't know about me is my sister passed away almost six years ago after a tough-fought battle with brain cancer. She was the middle of three so we have many fond memories together, I do my best to keep her middle sister spirit alive every day!

There is something special about sitting down with the ones you love and reminiscing over the good times. I like to call it our Middle Sister Celebration.
Did you know that birth order is commonly believed to have a profound and lasting effect on psychological development?
And that is why Middle Sister Wines has dedicated a wine to the sister in the middle – the one who always seems to have a personality of her own, and steals the show. Not everyone has a wine named especially just for her…some people are just born lucky!

Middle Sister Rebel Red Drops of Wisdom
As part of our middle sister celebration Carlene and I headed out on an adventure for the weekend to make new sister memories and reminisce on some of the old ones we have. My sister was always a troublemaker who ran to the beat of her own drum and loved an argument about whether she was right or wrong that's why the Rebel Red was the perfect fit for our trip.

Carlene and I quickly settled into our cabin, explored the property, and then decided to open our bottle of Middle Sister Rebel Red and test our wits at a game of chess.

We spent more time laughing and recalling our memories than we did paying attention to the game, which may be the reason why I lost.

The Middle Sister brand is based on a series of quirky “middle sister” characters who each claim their own varietal personality. Crafted by award-winning winemaker Nancy Walker (a middle sister herself), the portfolio includes a wide variety of delicious red, white, and sparkling wines from California and Argentina.
Which category does your middle sister fall in?
- Mischief Maker Cabernet Sauvignon
- Wild One Malbec
- Goodie Two Shoes Pinot Noir
- Drama Queen Pinot Grigio
- Rebel Red (red blend)
- Sweet & Sassy Moscato
Even though a loved one has passed on they are still with us in our memories and by taking the time to reminisce and create new ones they will always be with us, even if it is just in our hearts.
Do you ever have a sister celebration?
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.