Spring is finally here and it’s time to get busy cleaning. Your whole home could use a little sprucing up after the long winter. Here are some simple tips on how families make their home spic and span.
Create a Cleaning Schedule
Set aside some time to complete your tasks. Create a list of all the projects that you want seen done around your home. Delegate tasks to each member of the family. Take the age of your children into consideration when you’re assigning your tasks. Consider having your younger children only be responsible for their rooms. They may also be able to help carry things for you or deliver messages. Older children can be a little more helpful and learn some valuable skills around the house.
How Families Make Their Home Spic and Span
Remove the Clutter
You may have accumulated things during the winter that you want to get rid of now. Sort through the items in your home that still have some life left in them. Donate them to a charity or plan on having a yard sale. Even your children can participate in the decluttering tasks. Have them go through their toys and decide what they don’t want anymore. It will be easier to keep your home clean if it has less things taking up space.
Break out Your Supplies
Gather up your cleaning supplies that will be necessary to get your home clean. Purchase any supplies that you may require for tasks that require more than just cleaning. For example, color match your paint if your walls require a little bit of touchup work. Get a carrier so that you can easily transport your cleaning supplies from room to room. This can save you from having to juggle all of those cleaners by yourself.
Don’t Consider It a Chore
Make spring cleaning a fun event for the whole family. Blast your favorite tunes and take frequent breaks so that it doesn’t seem like such a chore. Have fun and easy to eat snacks prepared ahead of time so that the kids aren’t whining about being hungry. Reward the family with having a picnic or pizza on the living floor after a hard day of cleaning. Create some lasting memories so that your family will look forward to spring cleaning next year.
Spring cleaning can seem like such a drag if you think about all of the things that you need to do. Get organized and make it fun so that spring cleaning becomes less of a chore.