A clean home doesn’t just look and feel nicer. It can also be better for your health. There are home cleaning habits and tasks that make your home healthier by killing harmful bacteria and preventing the kind of environments arising that suit germs and bacteria. So follow these cleaning tips for a healthier home!

Kill the germs hiding in plain sight
There are hidden spots in every home that are sometimes forgotten, but collect a lot of germs through frequent contact. Things like the refrigerator handle, door knobs, TV remotes, and the landline phone. Regularly clean these spots with disinfectant wipes to remove dirt and kill germs that build up.
Tackle the common causes of allergies
If you suffer from allergies, reducing the amount of allergens in your home will make you feel much better. One of the main causes of allergies is dust in the air, so you can take simple steps to reduce this. For example:
- Regularly clean the filter in your clothing dryer, as this can generate a lot of fluff and dust.
- Mattresses collect a lot of dust and you breathe this in as you sleep, agitating your allergies. Regularly beat your mattress, and hoover it to get the dustout. You can also buy anti-allergen bedding, though this is usually a little more expensive than the regular kind.
- The tops of your cupboards are a magnet for dust, and since they are out of sight and out of reach, aren’t always cleaned as often as they should be. Make it an easier job for yourself by laying folded newspaper flat on top of the cupboards to catch the dust. Then all you need to do is regularly swap the newspaper!
Thoroughly wash fruit and veg
Take care when preparing fruit and vegetables. Always wash thoroughly before eating or cooking with fresh produce. Think about how many times you have been in the fruit and veg aisle at the supermarket and picked up an item, inspected it, then put it back. You never know who’s had their hands on fruit and veg before it goes in your basket!
If you want to be extra careful, you can wash soft-skinned and leafy fruit and veg with white vinegar. Fill up a spray bottle with water and vinegar, then spray onto the produce, and leave to stand for a couple of minutes before rinsing thoroughly to remove all the vinegar. For fruit and veg with sturdier flesh, sprinkle over baking soda and scrub. Then rinse thoroughly until all the baking soda has gone.
Stop moisture accumulating in the fridge
Try to buy fruit and vegetables more often and in smaller quantities. The less you have in your fridge, the less moisture is released. This will limit the accumulation of water in your refrigerator. Excess moisture encourages bacteria growth, which can cause sickness. To keep on top of this, wipe up any moisture and droplets with absorbent kitchen paper twice a week.
If your fridge’s drain is clogged, this will also mean an increase in the buildup of moisture. You should clean this whenever you do a more thorough clean out of your fridge. To do this:
- Switch off your fridge and remove the bottom drawers to allow easier access to the drain.
- Push a pipe cleaner into the drain and move it around to loosen any blockages.
- Sprinkle baking soda down the drain, followed by a few cups of hot water, then wipe the area around the drain entry dry.
- Locate the drain pan that catches the water (usually behind the grill plate) empty the baking soda/water mix, and clean any other dirt or residue.
- Finally, replace the drain pan and switch your refrigerator back on.
A couple of final things on home cleaning habits
These last home cleaning habits that may seem like common sense, but they can make a big difference when it comes to keeping the home germ-free. Wash your hands thoroughly when you get home to prevent spreading germs around the home. Whether you’ve been to the shops, at work, or the gym; there’s a chance your hands have accumulated some bacteria. Getting into the habit of washing your hands when you arrive home can help stop bacteria spreading around the house.
You should also air out your home when you can to reduce the risk of germs spreading, as closed environments help bacteria breed and spread. Try to air out the house once a day if you can, or as often as possible if less than daily.