Hosting a pool party is certainly an enjoyable way to have fun and manage the heat. However, as the owner of a pool, you likely already know the dangers that it poses. When you have multiple children to watch, these hazards can increase even more. Promoting pool safety measures is pivotal when you want to host this type of soiree.
Set the Pool Apart
Your pool should be separated from your yard by some structure. You might try exploring different options for pool fencing as you can likely find a solution that works for your yard. In addition to a fence around the pool, you should also have a fenced-in yard to protect individuals and traffic from getting into the water. On the pool’s fence, you can place an alarm. During the party, you can use these tools, in addition to your own supervision skills, to protect against kids wandering into the pool when they shouldn’t.
Enlist Volunteers
Depending upon the age of your children, having a pool party where the kids are dropped off is not necessarily the best idea. Instead, consider requiring each child or set of siblings to have at least one parent or guardian stay at the pool. Even when your kids are older or asking parents to stay is not an option, find out if your close relatives or friends will help you to watch the kids at the party. In any case, you shouldn’t be managing this job all by yourself.
Hire a Lifeguard
Even if you have several parents who stay at the party, you may still run into trouble in the event of an emergency. Having a lifeguard is a suggestion from the American Red Cross. You could speak with an administrative representative at the local pool to see if any lifeguards are searching for work.
Require Proper Safety Devices
In the event that your children know how to swim, you might not realize that their friends don’t. Do not allow any children to go into the pool unless they are wearing the proper safety devices for their size and age. You might feel funny telling parents what to do with their kids, but you need to remember that they are at your pool. Make this information clear on the invitation so that there are no surprises when guests arrive.
A pool party can be so much fun and offer a great level of entertainment. You do, however, need to make sure that the experience is safe for all.