If you grew up in a loving environment, you probably have fond memories of your childhood. However, if your home was filled with hostility or cold, then you may wish that the situation was different. In either case, developing a nurturing environment is a step that you should take.
Eat Meals Together
These days, so many families eat apart from one another. Some members are eating in the living room in front of the television, and others don't have their dinner until hours later when they come home from work. While outside responsibilities will still come into play on occasion, make eating together a regular habit.
Discuss Meaningful Topics
If you recall your younger days, you probably remember telling your parents that nothing happened at school when they asked how your days were. Instead of letting your kids get away with this lazy response, discuss meaningful issues. For example, if you know that they went on a trip or received a major project back, ask specifically how that went.
Play Games Together
All of your bonds do not have to develop over formal meals at the dining room table. Set aside one night per week when you get together to play games. If everyone's schedules are really that busy, then you could aim for once a month. You'll have time to laugh with one another and to compete in a healthy way.
Buy a New Home
When you look at how much your family has grown over the years, you realize that your house is not really your family's. Instead of continuing to live in a place that is reminiscent of your single days, look at new properties as a family. Professionals know that finding a new home for a growing family can be a great asset. Finding the perfect home you’ve always wanted can be the answer you’ve been looking for.
Exercise Together
While going to the gym and running on the treadmill as a family might not sound like fun, you can look into other athletic activities that allow you to bond. For example, if you live near a beach, you might play volleyball in the summer. If your community offers a bowling league during the week, sign up for it. Teams work well because you can continue playing even when your children are older.
A major part of creating warmth and love is spending time with your family members. If you don't create memories with your spouse and your children, you are likely to feel disconnected from one another.