Challenges in life are inevitable. There are going to be times when problems seem like they're piling up. It may feel like there is absolutely no way for us to manage, other than taking up self-destructive habits. The operative word there is “seem.” Usually, it's not the challenge that's weighing us down, but our perception of it and of ourselves. In order to find peace in your life, you need to find peace in yourself. Here are four self-reflection habits to consider.
If you've never tried meditating, you should start today and make it a daily habit. Meditation is a simple concept that seems to cause a great deal of confusion among non-practicers. The classic image of a stoic meditator leads some to believe it requires you to empty your mind of thought and be in a blissful state of mind. What meditation is actually about is observing your mind and its thoughts without judgment. Do this on a regular basis, and you won't have to worry about forcing yourself to feel at peace.
Our bodies are one of the only things that are uniquely ours. Therefore, it's only right that we embrace all the potential held within our bodies, from the tops of our heads to the soles of our feet. Sometimes it can be hard to see this potential in yourself. The media today presents an image of the “perfect” body type that rarely conforms with the body we actually have. One way to come to terms with yourself is to practice Yoga. Yoga is an enlightening physical and spiritual practice. It can bring a wonderful sense of calm to our beings and allows us to experience the moment fully.
Outdoor exercise
Being outside is the perfect opportunity to reflect, as the fresh air and lack of walls, windows or doors allow us to experience the joy of nature. To best embrace this, find a place like an arboretum or nature preserve where you can truly enjoy the unspoiled splendor. Go for a hike and feel the beauty of nature and realize you too are a part of the natural world. You may consider taking up biking as a mode of transportation, as it can help you get in touch with nature and get you from place to place as well. If you plan to bike regularly, be sure to read up on local legislation to be sure you don’t violate any traffic laws that might pertain to you.
When things are tough, it can feel like the end. One thing that is almost always true, however, is that you have been through hard times before. You have overcome obstacles in the past, meaning the new ones are unlikely to be as bad as they feel. Take a moment to think about how you've triumphed over adversity and what you did. You'll likely realize how much strength you still possess. Without moments of self-reflection, we would essentially be going through life half-asleep. By taking the time to pay attention to yourself and where you are in life, you are doing yourself a great favor.
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In today’s society, we are increasingly time poor from trying to fit in the obligations of work, family and a social life in days that often seem too short.