Where has this month gone. As I sit down to type this post it is almost the middle of the month and I can't tell you where the time has gone, just crazy. Sometimes you need to just pull up your socks and keep on truckin'. So if you haven't been following along lately we've had a ton of fun!
For Cheyenne's birthday we attended LEGO KidsFest in Calgary!
Snack time! #river #mountains #fitfam pic.twitter.com/mHGAPGwqeF
— Laura Cyra (@lcyra) May 29, 2014
This weekend we're headed to a Scouts Cuboree which is going to be a lot of fun just hanging out camping in the summer sun. We've made some new fun creations in the kitchen and spending more family time together which has created a few more experiments like our newest backyard cookout!
Post by Real Momma.
What do you have to be thankful for?