You know the drill, its Sunday Social! Come link up and join in the fun.
1. If you were stuck on an island what are the two material items you would want to have?
IPad – assuming there is wifi and coffee, I know boring but if I have my IPad and coffee anything is possible.
2. What are two TV shows you’d watch over and over?
Friends, a given I got all the seasons when they came out on dvd and 90210 the original series.
3. If your house was on fire what two things aside from family, pets, etc would you grab?
If I actually woke up, seriously I sleep so heavy it probably wouldn't wake me, I'd grab our apple time capsule that has our pictures and everything backed up on it and probably my purse because t would have all our info, money, health insurance, all that important stuff, plus my phone in it.
4. What are your two most favorite articles of clothing?
I don't know if I would say articles but rather type of clothing, I LOVE my yoga pants and sweatshirts. Yes I'm lazy and were them almost every day but hey when you're chasing two kids around for most of the day it is the best clothing to wear.
5. What two movies that you saw in the past year would you recommend to us?
Most of the movies I've seen are kid shows but I did manage to get to the theatre to see a couple of adult shows with my sister and then there is always Netflix, my two choices are The Girl With the Dragon Tattoos Series (I prefer the European edition) and The Vow. I know totally different but that's about all I've been able to watch in the adult category anyway.
6. What are your two biggest guilty pleasures?
Well, that's a pretty easy wine, I love a bold red and we've been trying a lot of new ones lately which is a lot of fun. The second is probably food to be more specific food in bed! Frank hates it when I eat in bed but hey he can just get over it I don't get much time for guilty pleasures these days.
That should sum up this week's Sunday Social, I hope you learned a few things about me. I'd love to hear what your answers are so please let me know if you linked up too!