No matter your level of income, a lot of it may go to routine living expenses and taxes. You need to make sure you have a home, clothing, food, different kinds of insurance, utilities, and possibly a vehicle for getting around. The income you have leftover is disposable income, and that's what you can use for anything from a night at the movies to taking vacations.
Reduce Your Spending
Investopedia recommends looking at your current spending and doing what you can to reduce it. If you can minimize your tax burden or living expenses, then you get to keep more of your immediate income for disposable purposes. Start couponing, bundle insurance, or refinance vehicle loans to free up a few dollars every month.
Look Into Investment Income
You've hopefully already got an emergency reserve fund saved up, and you'll ideally be tucking away money in a retirement nest egg on top of that. Why not look into investments that generate income now? Dividend stocks with regular payouts can accomplish this, but so can a vacation home. If you finance a second home in a desired location, you can rent it out most of the year for profit. You don't even need to be nearby since you can have a vacation property management company or professional handle all the details for you. Plus, you'll have a place to visit when your disposable income is enough for a family trip.
Get a Raise
Whether you ask for it and get it or have to get promoted for it, getting a raise at your current job is an effective means of generating more disposable income. Just make sure you keep your living expenses flat and where they are now. Unfortunately, not all of your raise will wind up being disposable income. When your wages or salary go up, so do your taxes.
Jump Into the Gig Economy
The gig economy was an unfamiliar term at one point, and now it's a significant portion of the entire economy. Online, you can do writing, freelancing, and content creation, while offline you can deliver groceries and restaurant orders or just haul passengers around through rideshare. Put in as many hours as you want or as few.
There are many ways of coming up with more disposable income for your family, but these four are a good place to start.