We've all been there. You're traveling with the people you care most about and someone in your entourage complains at every. Single. Restaurant. They can't eat that. They won't eat this. They simply refuse to understand that there’s a culinary world beyond fast food and you worked hard to plan this trip, darn it! Picky eaters seem to have a very short list of food they are willing to eat, and trying new things is not on their menu. What can you do? You could let them eat from their own personal lunch boxes in the car while everyone else goes inside, but that can be dangerous for children, plus it only delays the problem until next time. Before you try that, try these four tips for dining out with picky eaters.
Dine at Restaurants that Serve the Old with the New
Question your picky eater. What do they like? Do they only like spaghetti and only spaghetti? You're in luck. A lot of restaurants serve some type of pasta dish. Making sure that the restaurant you dine at serves something familiar to your picky eaters will relax them and even make them more willing to try new foods. If your child is very young, try making the associations for them. Cucumbers are just baby pickles. Macaroni is just short, bent spaghetti. Make it fun and new rather than intimidating. It doesn't have to be their exact favorite dish. As long as some aspect of it reminds them of the food they eat at home, they will bite.
Eat at the Same Time Every Day
If everyone knows what time you eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and that this car only makes one stop for each, then everyone will quickly learn it's either eat or be hungry. A picky eater is no match for a hungry stomach. Be sure to be firm, however. As they watch their familiar fast food eateries pass by, there may be protests. But the schedule is the schedule, and if you ever want to get to your destination we can’t stop wherever and whenever.
Try Places with Large Menus
Buffets are excellent dining choices for picky eaters. An eater has more choices literally in front of them and can “pick” and choose, and we know how picky eaters like to pick. Other restaurants that are known for having a large variety of food, such as gourmet cafes, are excellent choices for picky eaters.
Ask to Sample
Most restaurants have some sort of sample dish available. You don't want to spend twenty bucks on a dish your picky eater may or may not like? I don't blame you. Spend twenty dollars on a sample dish. Use it as an appetizer so everyone can try a little before ordering. Then let your picky eater make a choice.
Don't leave your picky eater behind on your next trip. Try these four tips: Serving the new with the old, eating at the same time every day, dining at places with large menus, and asking for sample platters. I guarantee your picky eater will become voracious in no time.